It is not permissible for the woman to travel without her mahram, not by plane nor by other than that: due to the generality of his statement sallahu alayhi wa salam:
it is not allowed for a woman who believes in Allah to travel a distance of a day and night‘(and in another narration: a distance of 2 days)except that she is accompanied by a mahram'
(narrated by bukharee in his saheeh (2/35,36) and see also(2/58) from saheeh)
The mahram: he is the man who has attained puberty, who marriage of her is unlawful for him, by way of becoming permanently (unlawful) by relation or a permissible means. so the one who has not reached puberty (ghayrul baaligh) and the child do not suffice as a mahram.
when a man wanted to leave for jihad whilst his wife wanted to make haaj the prophet commanded him that he make hajj with his wife, and he did not allow him to leave for battle, so how is it some people use as an excuse that his work does not allow him to travel with his wife whilst the action of jihad was not considered as an excuse?!!!!!
And the danger upon a woman in the plane is greater than the danger in other than it. Because the plane could change its course and its direction to another airport due to a reason from the reasons, so who will receive the woman and where shall she go when it lands in other than the airport which she was heading to?!!!
لا يجوز للمرأة أن تسافر بدون محرم لا في الطائرة ولا في غيرها؛ لعموم قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (لا يحل لامرأة تؤمن بالله أن تسافر مسيرة يوم وليلة (وفي رواية أخرى: مسيرة يومين)؛ إلا مع ذي محرم)
[رواه البخاري في صحيحه (2/35، 36)، وانظر كذلك: (2/58) من الصحيح].
(المحرم) : هو الرجل البالغ الذي يحرم عليه نكاحها على التأبيد بنسب أو سبب مباح، وغير البالغ والطفل لا يكفي محرمًا. ولما أراد رجل أن يخرج في الجهاد، وكانت امرأته تريد الحج؛ أمره النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يحجَّ مع امرأته، ولم يرخص له بالخروج في الغزو . فكيف يتعلل بعض الناس بأن عمله لا يسمح له بالسفر مع امرأته وعمل الجهاد لم يعتبر عذرًا؟! والخطر على المرأة في الطائرة أعظم من الخطر في غيرها؛ لأن الطائرة قد يتغير مسارها واتجاهها إلى مطار آخر لسبب من الأسباب؛ فمن يستقبل المرأة؟! وأين تذهب إذا هبطت في غير المطار الذي اتجهت إليه؟!
المفتي : الشيخ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان