‘Abdullaah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal said: I read to my father saying: ‘Ubaidah bin Humaid said: Mansoor narrated to me from Ibraaheem (An-Nakha’ee) concerning a man who becomes junub (needing to bath from sexual relations) during Ramadhaan and then sleeps until the morning. So Ibraheem said:
((He should complete that fast for that day and then fast another day in place of it))
I heard my father [i.e. Imaam Ahmad] say:
((He does not fast another day in place of it))
Note: Imaam Ahmad saw that for the one who rises in the morning whilst still junub during the month of Ramadhaan then this does not harm him in regards to his fast, even if his having slept was deliberate. This has been reported from him by Ibn Haani’ in his Masaa’il vol1 p. 132 issue number 653.