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Home » Methodology » Partisanship and Splitting

The obligation of explaining the dangers of splitting and sectarianism

Is it obligatory upon the Scholars to make clear to the Muslim youth and the general folk about the dangers of sectarianism, splitting and separate groups.

Yes. It is obligatory to explain the danger of sectarianism, the danger of separating and splitting into groups in order that the people have clear insight (into these affairs). This is because even the common folk are deceived. How many of them now have been deceived by these groups, thinking that they are upon the truth? Hence, it is necessary for us to explain to the people, the students and the general folk about the danger of groups and sects. The reason for this is that when they (the scholars) remain silent, the people begin to say: ‘The scholars used to know about this but they remain quite and from this avenue, misguidance appears.

Therefore, it is vital to clarify matters when issues such as these arise. The danger to the general folk is more abundant than the danger that would be caused to the students because the general folk consider the silence of the scholars to mean that it is correct and that it is the truth.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
Al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah, compiled by Jamal bin Farihan al-Harithi.
Translated by Abu `Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
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Schools of Thought and Blind Following
Allegiance and Enmity
Calling to Allaah
Way of the Pious Predecessors
Partisanship and Splitting
Rectification of the Ummah
Disparagement and Refutation

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