The people of innovation fall into the likes of what follows:
The Mu’attilah and the Mumathilah;
The Mumathilah are two groups;
The Hulooliyyah and the Karaamiyyah;
The Hulooliyyah: do so (tamtheel) in Allaahs Dhaat (Essence) The Karaamiyyah: do so in the Names and Attributes
So from the sects of the people of innovation are: the Jabariyyah and the Qadariyyah, and the Khawaarij and the Mu’tazilah and the Murji’ah and the Rawaafidh and the Jahmiyyah and the Ash’ariyyah.
It is obligatory upon the believer that he be balanced/on middle course between the Mu’attilah and the Mumathilah, and between the Khawaarij and the Murji’ah in the issue of Eemaan, and between the Mu’tazilah and the Murji’ah in the issue of the Wa’eed (threats), and between the Khawaarij and the Rawaafidh