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What is that affair for which Allaah created the creation?

What is that affair for which Allaah created the creation?

Allaah, the Most High, says:

And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, for mere play. We created them not except with truth (i. e. to examine and test those who are obedient and those who are disobedient and then reward the obedient ones and punish the disobedient ones), but most of them know not.” (ad-Dukhaan: 38-39)

He, the Most High, says:

And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them without purpose! That is the consideration of those who disbelieve!” (Sad: 27)

He, the Most High, says:

And Allaah has created the heavens and the earth with truth, in order that each person may be recompensed what he has earned, and they will not be wronged.” (al-Jathiyah: 22)

He, the Most High, says:

And I (Allaah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).” (ad-Dhaariyat: 56-58)

al-Haafidh al-Hakamee
A‘laam As-Sunnah Al-Manshoorah li I’tiqaad At-Taaifah An-Naajiyah Al-Mansoorah
Translated by Abul-Irbaad Abid Zargar
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Revealed Books
The Prophets and Messengers
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