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Tuesday 18 February 2025  
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On criticising the scholars for not publicly criticising the rulers.

You and your brothers from the ulemaa in this country are Salafiyoon, and all praise is due to Allaah, and your way in advising the rulers in is conformity with the Sharee’ah as the Messenger (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) has clarified, and we do not purify anyone above Allaah. And there are some people who criticise you for not publicly rejecting the mistakes, which occur (from the rulers). And others excuse you and say that you are under pressure from the state. So do you have something to say by way of guidance and clarification for these people?

There is no doubt that the rulers, like other than them from mankind, are not infallible from error, so advising them is obligatory. However trying to reach out to them from the gatherings and the pulpits is considered to be the impermissible backbiting and it is a greater evil than the evil which emanates from the rulers because it is backbiting, and due to the fact that it implants fitnah and splitting of the ranks and it impacts the spreading of the dawah.

So it is obligatory to convey the advice to them by reliable means, not by exposition and spreading. As for attacking the ulemaa of this land by saying that they do not advise or that they are suppressed, then this is a false accusation by which the separation between the ulemaa and the people and the society is intended such that is easy for the one who intends corruption to implant his evil. This is because when bad thoughts about the ulemaa are spread, then the confidence in the ulemaa is lost and there arises an opportunity for those who have desires and intentions to spread their poison. And I believe that this ideology is a conspiracy from outside this land and its perpetrators are of foreign origin. So it is necessary for the Muslims to beware of this.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
Al-Ijaabaat al-Muhimmah fee Mashaakil il-Mudlahimmah” by Muhammad bin Fahad al-Husayn
Translated by Abul-Irbaad Abid Zargar
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