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He Who makes Offering to Jinn shall have no Good Deeds of His accepted until He repents.

Some students of knowledge told us that he who makes offering to jinn, neither his prayer nor Hajj would be accepted from him. When I heard this, I repented to Allah because I use to do so, and I performed Hajj, but they said that my Hajj was void? .Is it true that my Hajj is void? And if so, do I have to perform Hajj again?

Sacrificing animals for Jinn is Shirk. He who does so, and dies before repenting, would live in Hell-fire eternally. No good deed is acceptable in the state of Shirk. Allah says: {Were they to commit Shirk, their (good) deeds would have been nullified} Al-An'am 6:88. All praise to Allah Who has accommodated you to repent from this grave sin with which no good deed is accepted. Perform Hajj again, and if you are sincere in your repentance, Allah has promised to forgive those who repent, and replace their bad deeds with good ones. He says: {And those who do not worship another God besides Allah, nor kill another person that Allah has forbidden, except rightfully, nor commit adultery ( or fornication), and he who does so shall be punished. His torment shall be doubled on the day of Resurrection, and will live therein disgraced forever .Excluding those who repent, and believe and do good deeds, and Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful} Al Furqan 25 : 68-70

Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts

Fatwa Islamiyah, Page 17 vol:1
Other subjects of interest:

Revealed Books
The Prophets and Messengers
The Last Day
The Divine Decree
Jinn And Devils

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